So I uninstalled Google Chrome…

After experiencing so many  crashes with the past two versions (26 and 27) of Google Chrome, I decided to uninstall it completely from my main computer. The  isolated crashes feature stopped working and with each new update of Adobe Flash, the crashes became even more frequent. I watch a lot of streaming video via Flash Player. Only used two add ons from the Chrome App store.

I’m actually typing this up from Opera Browser.

Google Chrome 25 is out

Google has released a new major version of the Google Chrome web Browser. It has been out for a week now.


  • Improvements in managing and securing your extensions
  • Better support for HTML5 time/date inputs
  • JavaScript Web Speech API support
  • Better WebGL error handling
  • And lots of other features for developers

Firefox 13.0 is out!

About Dialog Box

Mozilla released the latest stable version of Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox 13 new “Most visited”

One new feature that was added is the “Most visited sites” page.  Firefox has now joined Google Chrome and Microsoft Internet Explorer by adding this feature

A new toolbar found on your “Home” page

This Toolbar can be found at the bottom of the browser window, whenever you load your Firefox home page. Access, Downloads,  Bookmarks, settings and restoring your previous browsing session.
.  You can read the rest of the release notes here.

Apps of Interest: Notepad++

Use: Text/ Source Code Editor
Platform: Microsoft Windows
Current Version: 6.1.2

Notepad++ Main Window with multiple tabs in use

A text editor like the built-in Microsoft Windows but with a few enhancements…

Tabs:  As seen in the screenshot above, You can have more than one text (.txt) file open organized in a single application Window just like modern web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, IE etc.)  Notepad++ can also remember what tabs/documents you had open (Sessions) when you close the main window.   Documents tabs will usually appear blue. Red means that there is unsaved data in the document and grey means that the document was set into “Read-only” mode.

User Interface Languages:   This application supports a great many languages from around the world.

Programming Languages: Recognizes  CSS, HTML, XML, PHP, Java Script, C++, Python, Ruby and others. Notepad++ also saves to the proper output files as well.

The application only  uses up 14 MBs of storage space and around for 12 MBs of RAM while I had the three text document tabs open for the screenshot.

Firefox 12.0 is out!

About Firefox 12.0 Dialog box

Mozilla has released version 12.0 of the Firefox browser. Read the release notes here.